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Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's with the Silverberg's

We had a pretty low key New Year's!
We met up with one other family, the Silverberg's who have a 2 year old boy and a 5 week old girl. They are so fun and we had a great time.

We had some kickin veggie lasagna, some cole slaw and some great black eyed pea salsa to start the new year out right. Desert was an array of brownies and cheesecake. I ate myself into oblivion and then made it home in time for baths and for Chris and I to be in bed and asleep by 10:30 pm. We are such exciting people!

Christmas in Mexico

We celebrated Christmas in Cleveland a week before Christmas and then traveled to Cancun, Mexico to be with my parents.

What a great time we had. Jackson got to get into the pool with his Dad for the first time. My parents also got a walker for him and he loved moving around the condo in it!

We had a lot of great dinners and a wonderful day at the Mayan Ruins. Jackson loved just being in the warmer temperatures and he actually got to see and play with his feet.
We had some great family time with my parents and Mimi babysat for us to have a dinner with just Chris and I, wow we really needed that.